Here at MRN we have been working hard on perfecting the Twin Turbo conversion and making sure it is the best it can be in all aspects, including performance, reliability, installation and pricing to make sure it is ready for general sale.
To that end we have designed, prototyped fitted and tested the final part of the kit which is a complete new air induction tract. We (MRN and our engine calibration partner) were not completely satisfied with the readings we were getting from the MAF sensor where we had located it in the 3D printed MAF elbow, 99% of the time it was no issue at all and it was not actually noticeable whilst driving the car but we needed/wanted to address it. The new inlet tract involves complete removal of the OEM airbox and replacing it with a host of new parts. The new parts not only cure the MAF reading issue but also reduce weight, reduce restriction in the inlet tract and change the engine sound and appearance of the engine bay.
These pictures show the real parts as fitted and tested on the development car, the elbows are 3D printed on the same industrial 3D printer and material (Nylon) as our GT3 door pulls so are incredibly strong and resistant to the temperatures and chemicals that can be experienced in an engine bay.

With these parts added to the Twin Turbo kit we have a top side inlet that looks like this CAD render

We have one more trip to the engine calibration partner to finalise how the tune (map) will be distributed/installed onto customers cars and when this is all confirmed the Twin Turbo kits will be available for sale.
As an added bonus to this development we are also able to supply the Cold Air Intake as an accessory to your non turbocharged 987.1 in a couple of configurations:
Full MRN inlet including carbon plenum!!

MRN Cold Air Intake only (OEM throttle body and plenum)

You can see from the pictures above that when the Cold Air Induction kit is combined with our Carbon Plenum the inlet tract is a consistent diameter all the way from the filter to the plenum to keep the air flow consistent.
The Cold Air Induction kit is available to purchase now!! click on this LINK to view and make your purchase.